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Cook For Nutrition

How can I help?

People in these times have been trying to change their lifestyles and eating habits,trying different diets such as vegetarianism, veganism, pescetarianism and other types.
A vegetarian diet has plenty of health benefits. One of the main benefits of a healthy and balanced vegetarian or vegan diet is the large amount of plant food consumed. These can help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

You might end up feeling frustrated, having attempted each conceivable diet, medication, supplement, or treatment, desperate to just feel good and healthy.

Alma how can I help

I will work with you to address the root cause or imbalance that may be contributing to your specific health concerns and incorporate up-to-date evidence-based research to build a personalised plan to help you reach your goals.

We will go into what a healthy vegan or vegetarian Diet should look like, we will also look at the macro and micronutrients needed to stay healthy.

I will also be working with people towards getting the right information on the synergistic effects of nutrition, exercise and supplements in the human body and how those three elements can be combined together in a fat loss programme that will help you to achieve optimum health and optimum body fat.

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